2024-2025 „Synthesis of nanoPMMA and its effects on human gut microbes”, Initiative of Excellence – Research University, grant No. 136/13/SNŚ/0013, project leader: MSc ing. Klaudia Krysiak-Smułek
2023-2027 „Synthesis of nano- and microplastics labeled with up-converting nanoparticles for its visualization and monitoring in biological materials”, National Science Centre Poland, Opus grant No. 2021/43/B/ST5/00046, project leader: prof. Tomasz Grzyb
2023-2027 „Sensitive detection and visualization of cancer biomarkers using upconversion nanoparticles excited above 1000 nm”, National Science Centre Poland, Preludium grant No. 2022/45/N/ST4/01168 6, project leader: MSc Natalia Jurga
2022-2026 „Nanoparticles showing persistent up-conversion luminescence – synthesis and characterization of properties”, National Science Centre Poland, Opus grant No. 2022/45/B/ST5/00604, project leader: prof. Tomasz Grzyb